- mindpalace
- bookman
- homepage [stats]
- pearl and prodigal [stats]
- oneservant2go [edit]
- audioboom dashboard
- wildlife camera
- pi-hole admin
- the times
- wsj
- nytimes
- le monde
- hacker news
- daring fireball
- kindle theology deals
- streaming on criterion
- new criterion
- first things
- slightly foxed (archive)
Magazines / Journals
- claremont review
- touchstone magazine
- tablet magazine
- mere orthodoxy
- christian chronicle
- gospel coalition
- christianity today
- tyndale house
- tatup (tech assessment)
- christian scholar’s review
- tyndale bulletin journal
- an unexpected journal
Tech Ephemera
Abebooks Searches
Text Sources
- send to kindle
- loeb
- loebolus
- sefaria: Jewish text
- perseus
- philologic
- ethereal library
- restoration library
- acu stone-cambell books
- classics @ mit
- medieval manuscripts
Hebrew Reading
Design Resources
- dpl america
- graphicburger
- unsplash
- picjumbo
- pexels
- stocksnap
- negativespace
- wikimedia public domain
- new old stock
- old book illustrations
- liam’s old books
- pattern library
- the met public domain
- art inst. chicago
- getty
- british library
- yale british art
- google art
- harry ransom
- wpa posters
- loc flickr
- usgs photos
- localhost:3000
- localhost:4000
- my github
- digital ocean
- linode (akamai)
- bigquery
- tensor hub
- gitignore templates
- twitter developers
- docs: twitter search api v2
- code examples: twitter api v2
- docs: rails api
- docs: rails cheatsheets
- docs: bigquery
- docs: scikit-learn
Work/Study Sounds
- library (with fire and storm)
- yoda’s Hut
- pride and prejudice
- hogsmeade
- hogwarts great hall
- hogwarts (rainy night)
- lotr: shire
- lotr: rohan
- lotr: middle earth
- narnia winter woods